100lbs One year later


It’s been a year since I disappeared a shell of my former self. I shed the layers, the boundaries, the obstacles, the limitations and replaced them with courage, strength, confidence and power. The power to challenge myself in new ways. It’s a new beginning of sorts, because I have been replaced because my former self will cease to exist. I will never go back to who I used to be. I have been replaced by a brand new ME.


Today is a very special day for me, last year on this date I hit my weight loss goal of 100lbs. The significance of this day is not only in the date but the fact that I have been able to not only maintain my weight but lose even more. To date in total, I have lost 105 lbs. I am half the person I once was and will never go back to who I was again but I can say without hesistation when I look in the mirror today I am truly the person I was meant to be and love the person looking back at me. I am strong not only in body but in mind. I have accomplished every goal, I set for myself not only tested my limits but went beyond them and found a inner strength stronger than I ever thought possible. It hasn’t been easy, it’s a struggle and work in progress every day and has taken discipline, motivation and willpower to resist temptation but with support from family, friends and a great trainer I have been able to achieve my goals, whether it was climbing a rock wall, getting a tatoo, or running a 5k I am not afraid to try new things and challenge myself. I have rid myself of doubt, fear and limitations and know that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I am ready to embrace life and adventure and all the experiences that life has to offer and try to believe in a quote that keeps coming into my life. ” Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not coming.” I choose to believe the best is yet to come because for me the best things that have happened in my life are the ones I never saw coming.
